Thursday, July 08, 2004


I'm sitting here in a cyber cafe in downtown Suva. My plan was to bring my thumb drive with me so I could post all the journal entries I've been writing. But, I can't get the stupid computer to recognize my drive. I'll work on it some more. This is all so very frustrating. :{
I'm going to the Market again today. I went yesterday and it was definately an adventure. I'm trying to find a sulu. Those are the skirts the men wear here. I like them more than the sarongs. I also need to buy a long sleeve shirt since it's colder here than I expected. I'm gonna try to find a mosquito net too, since the bugs are really bad on the coral coast. They don't bother you on the beach because the wind is too strong, but in the forest, they are horrible. I already look like I have a skin disease on my legs (ha ha!).
It's interesting walking around downtown by myself today. Yesterday I went with Zach and didn't have any problems. Today, by myself, I can't seem to walk a block without hoots, hollers and unwanted attention in general. I'm not dressed inappropriately. I'm not sure what it is. Oh well, as long as they leave me alone.
I had to go to the immigration office yesterday to get an extension on my travelers visa. I had to pay $90 (Fijian), which is a hell of alot better than Zach, who had to pay $645 (Fijian) to extend his. They took my passport though. I had to go back today to pick it up. I was scared they were going to say "oops, we made a mistake, you actually owe $1000, pay up or you don't get your passport back." That seems to be how things work around here. Everything is different depending on who you talk to or what kind of mood people are in. Fortunately, I got my passport back and an extension on my stay with no problems. I guess I shouldn't say that quite yet... we'll see when I try to leave the country. :}

Okay, I have to go because I'm hungry. What will it be? Indian food, or Indian food. Ah, variety the spice of life... here it's curry.

Moce (pronounced "Mothey" = see you later)


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