Thursday, August 19, 2004

Tokyo Layover and the end of my current adventure (8/20)

I arrived in Tokyo yesterday at 5 pm. I hate to jinx my luck, but I've had relatively few problems getting through customs, immigration, security etc. I'm worried that this means I will be anally searched in Atlanta.

While getting my bags in Tokyo, I saw the cutest little girl I've ever seen in my life. I'm not kidding. I certainly wouldn't write about it if she hadn't made such an impression. She was a 2 year old Japanese girl wearing a pink dress and an adorable straw hat, like something you'd see in an impressionist painting. Her hair stuck out from her hat and draped across her forehead like black velvet. She had big, brown, almond shaped eyes and a pouty little pink mouth. I wanted to take a picture of her so badly. I would have to if I'd had any film left. A black & white image of her standing alone in the airport with the innocent/curious expression on her face would make a wonderful framed portrait. Anyway, I wrote that mostly for my own benefit, so I can remind myself of the vision later.

The first thing I did when I got to my hotel was take a shower. It felt unimaginably good. I was revived. Then I grabbed a bite to eat and had some tea while reading my book ("Without Reservations" by Alice Steinbach - excellent). Once back to my room, I wrote a few letters while enjoying some Japanese sweets. I was exhausted, so I went to bed.

I got up early this morning, took my bags to the airport and checked them into storage. Then I bought an express ticket to Tokyo. I only had 3 hours in Tokyo before I had to head back. While on the train, I met a Puerto Rican lady who was familiar with Tokyo. I asked where I should go if I only had 3 hours. She directed me to a section of the city that is similar to 5th avenue in New York. I wanted to go to Shinjuko, but that's more of a nightclub district, so I'll have to save that for another time. I was interested in Shinjuko after reading a book by a Japanese author called "Norwegian Woods". It was a really good book and I enjoyed the descriptions of Japan.

I think the name of the place I went was Ginza, but I'm not sure and I don't have my map with my right now. Anyway, it was impressive. The shops were very fancy and the building were big an shiny. I walked around for a while and then made my way to a large park. Afterwards, I headed for the Imperial Gardens, which were closed. But, I got to get a peak. Finally, I found an adorable Cafe and enjoyed an iced cocoa coffee and an impressive Japanese pastry. I watched the scene of daily life in Japan pass by the window, then headed back to the airport. It was a nice adventure.

I'm back in the airport now and getting ready to board the plane. I'll be back in Atlanta in roughly 23 hours. I can't believe my trip is over.

I'm already planning my next!!


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