Monday, July 04, 2005

¿Huevos verde y jamón?

Okay... so the eggs aren´t green, but I´ve definately eaten more egg sadwhiches here than in my entire life combined. (I´ve also had quite a bit of pork, sadly enough). Anyway, the egg sandwhiches consist of at least half a dozen eggs mixed in with slices of potatoes......

finish later... I just got kicked off the computer because the internet in Spain closes at midnight, however, the BARS don´t even really OPEN until 1 or 2 am. ¿Pardon?!!!!!!

Eh, Espania.

... these egg/potato concoctions are called "tortillas". They´re actually quite tasty, but I´ve had too many of them. They serve them solo or on a bocadilla (sandwich on a baguette roll). It´s strange to have had so many sandwiches without a single vegetable.

A few days ago I was in Segovia (a very small town northwest of Madrid) and I ordered a vegetable sandwich at a rather nice restaraunt. I thought, "Great! Finally some vegetables." It consisted of two pieces of toasted white bread with the crusts cut off, shredded lettuce, 2 boiled eggs and at least a cup of mayonaise! I promise that I´m not exagerating. I had to eat it with a fork. There was mayo EVERYWHERE!!! It was so disgusting, but I had paid for it and I was starving, so I ate it. I was very sick for hours afterwards and had to keep sitting down so I wouldn´t puke. I was really surprised at how much of a love afair the Spanish have with mayo. They put it on almost everything - i.e. mayo and asparagus, mayo and ham, mayo and anchovies.... Anytime I order anything I always (now!) say "sin mahonese". Yuck.

Okay, I have to go... I´m flying back to the US in a few hours.
Hasta la vista, baby!!!